By Dorisreid
United Kingdom
I have two hydrangeas. Both were in flower when I got them. One has not flowered again and the other has only flowered the first year but, not since. Can you advise what to do about it and what the reason is. The both have a lot of floliage and look healthy.
28 Jun, 2011
Wait a little as mine hasn't flowered yet but there are signs that it will flower. If your plant is healthy then I think you shouldn't worry too much.
28 Jun, 2011
Some plants need to settle in for a year or two before putting on a show. Try feeding it with Tomato food to encourage flowering.
28 Jun, 2011
The commonest reason for hydrangeas not flowering seems to be pruning at the wrong time. Hydrangeas need to have last year's dead flower heads taken off in April, cutting back to a good pair of buds. Any dead growth can also be removed at the same time - cutting this off low down. If the centre of the bush is becoming overcrowded you can take out a few of the oldest stems then too. Don't prune at any other time - leave the old flowers on over winter to help protect the buds from frost.
I agree they may sulk if moved - I moved two hydrangeas two years ago - one flowered last year, they both have a few flowers coming this year, but they're not really "settled" yet.
28 Jun, 2011
Hi Doris i brought 1 in flower last yr 2 & that 2 hasnt flowered ? :/
28 Jun, 2011