By Ojibway93
United Kingdom
I planted a new Filipes Kifsgate rose in summer of 09. It has put on tremendous growth, but hasn't flowered at all yet. Is this just a waiting game?
28 Jun, 2011
Thanks. Yes, there is plenty of space. I planted to othe and hide a very ugly high fence. It's doing that fine!
28 Jun, 2011
Oh, that's strange, my flowered the same year, it is now 3 yrs old, check out my rose blog when you have time, but don't give up, as when it does flower, there is no stopping it and that goes for the growth, mine is shooting long tentacles all over the place.
28 Jun, 2011
The wood may need to be a couple of years old before it is matureenough to flower. Be patient. I hope you have plenty of room as this is a whopper!
28 Jun, 2011