Anyone know the best supplier to go to for new plants? particularly cottge garden perennials and roses (in the UK).
United Kingdom
I want to plant up a broad border of tradtional cottage garden plants and some climbers - roses, honeysuckle etc.
27 Dec, 2008
didlington nurseries brillant for what you want.big selection.the people are lovley,good prices,good plants .its all in the countryside in east anglia near mundford and kings lynn.its with an old victorean massive walled garden and they know what there talking about.if you want tropical theres a link on my site to urban jungle of norwich and they deliver over the country.i hope ive helped happy xmas
27 Dec, 2008
A good supplier of perennials is Hardy's Cottage Plants near Basingstoke.
Their website is
and they will supply by mail order.
I visit them at least once a year to buy plants
29 Dec, 2008
29 Dec, 2008
Previous question
You should look around your local area.
Get in touch with an allotment association or Flower show society.
They can help you with your choices and you may get some good plants from them.
It is always best to see what you are buying.
I don't know where you are in the country, if you are anywhere near my area (Surrey) I could give you more advice.
27 Dec, 2008