Dracunculas vulgaris
By Bren
United Kingdom
I planted this plant a few years ago,and over the years it has spead and comes back year after,it is now about a square metr spread.
But it has never ever flowered.Can I have a few tips now on how to make it flower for next year
27 Dec, 2008
We have one small disagreement Andrea. I have grown this for some years in full sun and so thought I would check it out (mine flowers with the well known pong regularly). The BBC site agrees with me that it likes full sun, unlike most arums like the Sauromatums and the Arisaemas which love a nice shady spot.
To flower successfully the corms must be planted a good 6 inches deep.
28 Dec, 2008
It likes a sheltered spot not in direct sunlight in well drained moist soil. Give it a feed in the Spring and hopefully you will get a flower. You are lucky the bulbs haven't rotted which is usually what happens, hope this is helpful
27 Dec, 2008