By Jackieq53
United Kingdom
can someone please identify this monster

28 Jun, 2011
The seed heads are sometimes used in dried flower arrangements - or for raising the nap on fabrics, such as tweed and other fabrics where the weaver wants to blend the fibres on the surface of the material.
And birds like the seeds. :-)
28 Jun, 2011
I've used the dry heads to make 'hedgehog dolls' like mrs tiggywinkle.
28 Jun, 2011
I asked the same question last year Jacquie. After I sowed some wild flower seeds. It is a lovely plant, if a little fierce looking. Only one has come up this year and lots in the crevices in the paving. I get out my trusty wire brush on a pole and remove them. I posted a picture of mine with snow on the teasel.
29 Jun, 2011
Yes, it's a Teasel, or Dipsacus. The bees will love the flowers once they open. It seeds around LOTS!!! so be prepared for more!!
28 Jun, 2011