Can anyone identify this plant please?
Isle of Wight,
United Kingdom
Yet another specimen from the Botanics in Ventnor. It was growing in the New Zealand garden and definitely looks like a genus from there. I thought it was a Phormium, but the flower spike looks more like a Cordyline, but the leaves don't. If anyone can identify it I would be grateful. I have a close up picture of the flower on my Boxing Day Blog if you need to take a look

27 Dec, 2008
Funny you should say that, BB - I agree! I was just checking it out and came back to find that you had pipped me to the post. LOL.
27 Dec, 2008
Thank you very much Bonkers and Spritz, I knew I had heard of it and remembered researching it as an alternative to Phormium. Astelia nervosa chathamica is this one, thanks again
27 Dec, 2008
Wow - Bonkers gets one right ! Can I frame this to keep me happy in my old age ?
27 Dec, 2008
Well done BB!
You have got loads right before - I can remember them! :-)
27 Dec, 2008
thanks Spritz....must be my age!
27 Dec, 2008
As a plant originally native to New Zealand I ll hazard Astelia chathamica may help in your search , leaf and flower spikes appear similar .
27 Dec, 2008