By Googie
United Kingdom
I have a 4 feet wall keeping my garden banks up. Can i grown a rose down it instead of up and can any one give me any names of roses that would do well. Also what is the difference between bare root roses to normal roses.
29 Jun, 2011
I grow a rose called "The Fairy" I have it falling over a wall it looks stunning every year, give it a google see what you think!
29 Jun, 2011
Thank you for your reply. Also thanks for the name of rose Fairy I will buy it.
29 Jun, 2011
Previous question
Hi Googie, I'm sure you could train a rose to trail downwards, rather than reach up. Why not give it a go? Sorry I can't name any varieties for you.
Bare root plants are normally only sold in winter when the plants are dormant. Instead of being grown and sold in pots so that they can be planted at any time (provided they are watered adequately) bare root plants are grown in a bed or even a field, dug up in the late autumn or winter and shipped or posted with bare roots - that is, with no soil round them. A good grower / seller will have wrapped them and packed them carefully and the plants are "resting" so they don't need a lot of moisture.
If you decide to buy "bare root" roses you can only plant them between November and March, and not when the ground is frozen. If conditions are not suitable to plant them when they arrive you need to store the wrapped plants carefully - out of sun and wind - so that they are as protected as possible, but dumping them in a shed isn't the answer either.
Obviously bare-root plants are cheaper than pot grown and I've found that they "take" and grow well, so if you can bear to wait til the right time of year they're a good choice.
There's advice on planting here -
It was written for trees and shrubs, but I'm sure it applies to roses too.
29 Jun, 2011