By Decker
United Kingdom
I know I will have missed the birds nesting this season for blue tits,robins etc but would it be advisable to make and put up a nest box within the next few weeks so that the birds could get used to it ready for next year
30 Jun, 2011
We have no nest boxes in our garden neither are there any in the surrounding gardens but we have a plethora of birds. So long as you have hedges and trees for the birds to nest in they will not think of using a nest box.
30 Jun, 2011
I have birds nesting in trees, shrubs, the shed and usually in 2 out of the 4 nestboxes I have. Tits nest in holes and the nest boxes protect eggs and baby blue tits from the wicked old magpies! The tits like to have a choice of boxes and spend a lot of time inspecting them and hopping in and out before selecting, so it's a good idea to put up more than one if you have room. They also use the boxes for shelter in winter so it's a good idea to put one up now.
30 Jun, 2011
Thank you for the advice Tulsalady26,Moon grower and Pennyfarthing.I am quickly finding out this a very friendly site with such quick and good advice.I will put up two nest boxes and it will be interesting to see if there is any activity around them.Looks like we could have a perfect gardening weekend weatherwise so I will make certainly be making the best of it.
1 Jul, 2011
Please can you help me.
I put up a nest box last year and bluetits had six chicks. My question is....
Do I clean out the nest and bits, or leave the nest in.
I so enjoy watching them. Hope they will come back again.
Today I had Coaltits checking out the box.
Christine Smith
1 Sep, 2011
Clean it out Boswell
1 Sep, 2011
welcome Boswell, yes clean it out , i give mine a good scrub out with boiling water. :0)
2 Sep, 2011
Hi Decker first welcome to our friendly site. Yes put up bird box's now and good luck for next year.
30 Jun, 2011