By Nana_d
United Kingdom
A friend of my has a dwarf Buddlea (sorry rubbish spelling) can anyone tell me where I could get one I think it would look nice in my front garden in front of a tall shrub that I inherited with the garden:)
1 Jul, 2011
Ah thanks Dorjac will take a look ha ha spelling of plants is definately not my strong point:)
1 Jul, 2011
the one you want to look for is Buddleia 'Buzz', but there is an even smaller one called Buddleia Blue Clip - google both, you'll find suppliers on line too.
1 Jul, 2011
Thanks Bamboo will have a look at them both:)
3 Jul, 2011
I've just bought a "Byzz" on eBay for £3.75 - I was the only bidder. sure there'd be more around there!
didn't know there was an even smaller one! thanks, Bamboo, will check that out
No "Blue Clip"s on eBay, and not many "Buzz"es: I searched for "dwarf buddleia" - all colours.
the blurb says: "This Dwarf Buddleia only grows to 60cm approx. if kept in a container. Planted into the garden it will reach approx. 120cm. The scented flowers are produced from early summer and will attract butterflies to your garden. Buddleias prefer a sunny position in a well drained soil"
I take note of the "if"!!
everyone on Google seems to call the other one "Blue Chip"
4 Feb, 2012
Thanks Fran I will have a look online they are lovely:)
6 Feb, 2012
the sellers are a nursery, rather than an individual, and they seem to know wht they're doing; the plants won't be lifted until the 20th and then potted and sent out.
*s* a bit tempted to get other colours! but I'd better wait a year or three and see how big one of 'em gets before splurging and ending up wiht a buddlieia forest!
7 Feb, 2012
Haha I know what you mean Fran I have bought plants that say they are one colour and end up another when they flower:) Think I would like a couple for my front garden might try my local nursery they are quite reasonable on prices because it is a project run nursery for people with mental health problems.
7 Feb, 2012
oh, that sounds good! and mroe useful than a bunch of pills - all "happy pills" did for me was to turn me into a zombie, or even more of one than I was already.
They tried a garden project here for a local mental health group, it ended up as one person doing it all, and when she went sick, it went to weed very quickly.
Not only the colour that I'm wary of - are the plants themselves healthy? have they been well looked after? and buying seeds is even more "if-ish"! you won't find out for a year, or more, if the seeds were actually viable - and it could be put down to something you did wrong anyay.
I've found a lot of dwarf conifers and other claimed "mini" plants in eBay: I've asked several sellers to give me an estimation of eventual height, none has answered so far. If in doubt, I don't - got no room for a Triffid!
7 Feb, 2012
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I think GARDEN CENTRE on the green bar above might be a help Nana. They are advertised in mags and newspapers too. I think it's Buddleja......but I had to go and look at the label!!! It's one of those trick word spellings. Or is it lable?
1 Jul, 2011