By Jacksondscar
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have had this plant for many years but its getting a bit too tall for my windowsill Can it be planted outside and if so what conditions would it need Can it tolerate frost etc as I would hate to lose it Its name would help too

1 Jul, 2011
Are you sure Bamboo Im scared!!!!!!
1 Jul, 2011
Ha ha, of course I am, I've done it loads of times... you know when they grow and don't make a nice shape, I just hack it back and start again. Anyway, what else can you do with it, really? It can't be put outside and, with respect, it looks as if it could do with a bit of rejuvenation.
1 Jul, 2011
I've done it many times, too, so it's easier on the plant than you might think. If you want to hedge your bets, just cut one stem down, for now, and see what it does. It looks like it's a little starved for light as is, so if you could find a brighter window, it will probably thank you.
1 Jul, 2011
Well Ive done it Bamboo with tears in my eyes ! Fingers crossed now
1 Jul, 2011
I've accidentally broken mine a few times and the Dragon trees come back vigorously every time. Bored of it for years but cannot bear to get rid of it either!
2 Jul, 2011
I've got 3 - I couldn't resist rooting the bits I cut off, I don't know why I bother, I really don't have room, but somehow, I just can't resist...
2 Jul, 2011
I know what u mean Bamboo When youve had them in the same spot for years they become part of the family,thats why I was apprehensive about being so drastic !
2 Jul, 2011
It'll be fine...
2 Jul, 2011
It is Dracaena marginata and no, it won't survive outside over winter. Take a deep breath, get a sharp pair of secateurs and cut down the stems, either to just half and inch above on each of the 3 stems, or if you're really brave, down past where it currently branches. Repot in fresh compost, feed every week with something like Baby Bio plant food, water when the surface of the compost is dry - within six weeks, it'll be producing new growth and new branches. If you want more plants, stick the tops you've cut off, with only about an inch and a half below the leaves, into a bottle of water, keep topped up and they'll root and you can then pot those up too. Tolerates low light levels, so doesn't need to be on a windowsill if you don't want it there later on.
1 Jul, 2011