can u help a sick palm
By Howard68
United Kingdom
any ideas as to what has caused the browning of all the top throngs and growth tip and new growth at the base on this palm. the compost is old and the container feels very heavy ie a little over watered. it has not been fed this year and sits in an exposed position recieving the full midday sun.
On plant
patio palm of some discription

1 Jul, 2011
A gentle feeding won't come amiss, either, since it is replacing its former glory.
1 Jul, 2011
Thanks for the addvice. Ive since fed the plant with a top quality liquid nutrient from holland designed specifically for the vegative growth stage at half strength. Ive also added a root stimulant to boost nutrient transport, cell division and cell elongation along with a media improver that improves the cationic exchange of minerals and micro nutrients. I also found on closer inspection of the root system that the pot had no drainage holes and was much to wet in the bottom 6 inches whilst being dry on the surface and the root system looked oxygen starved. ive drilled lots of holes in the bottom of the pot and coverd the surface with small clay pebbles about an inch deep to reduce evapouration. ive had no exp of growing palms and wasnt sure if the center growth could be revived or should be removed so thanks for that pointer i shall remove it asap. thankyou all for your help. Howard
16 Jul, 2011
Blimey, you've certainly given it top treatment. Move somewhere sheltered if you're able to if the winter this year starts early and is very cold, as last year.
16 Jul, 2011
The harsh winter has killed the top of the plant - cut down the trunk to just above the new growth, preferably at a slight angle to allow rain to run off. And water it, it looks a bit dry...
1 Jul, 2011