By Susiereid
United Kingdom
What sort of position should I plant my Syringa (Lilac) it doesn't like where it is at the moment. Under a neighbours Leylandii.
It has grown very very slowly over the past four to five years and only a very few flower bunches in the past.
I have a very sunny border in the front of my house. It gets very dry though. Would that be better?
Thank you.
- 2 Jul, 2011
2-3 inches of coarse compost on top of the soil would be good, too. That will help to keep the soil cool and moist, and gradually improve it, to boot.
2 Jul, 2011
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Sunny is good, but it would need serious watering in and some fish blood and bone meal fertiliser into the hole to establish it in the new position and a regular heavy watering thereafter. I would give it a try.
2 Jul, 2011