By Aitchw
United Kingdom
We've decided to make a path from our decking, around a corner then under the pergola. It's mainly gravel with 12x24 sized slabs spaced about a foot apart. One edge will be block pavers to enable the mower to cut over. Problem is, I can't get the edge pavers level with one-another without digging out underneath/adding sand. Am I supposed to get them perfect, or will their un-evenness add to the charm of the path? What has anyone else done? I'm not paying someone to get them perfect as they would charge a fortune, besides I want the satisfaction of laying them myself.
2 Jul, 2011
Scotsgran. I also think they would look better if all at the same level, but the garden lawn, (if you can call it that with all the clover in it) is quite uneven itself.
2 Jul, 2011
Find the lowest point and work from there and make them all the same level.You can eventually lower the bits of grass that are too high.Either take off the turf and rake out some of the soil before replacing the turf or use bought in turf to replace what you have along that edge. Or just take off the turf and reseed in September. Our "lawnis full of clover and daisies but we like it. Itattracts the bees and butterflies so we are not complaining.
2 Jul, 2011
Scotsgran. Thanks for the advice.
The clover does attract the bees which I am pleased about. As a child I was afraid of them and would run away, but am fascinated now. I need to put some weedkiller down but quite reluctant due to the bees. When I mow the grass, I keep stopping to wait for the bees to move.
When the path is finished I will post a picture, unless I am too embarrassed:-o
3 Jul, 2011
Believe me there is nothing new so any mistakes you make will have been made by umpteen others before you. But have a bit of faith it will be all your own work and that will give you a glow nothing else can. Our bees (we do not keep bees but they live somewhere in the garden) love the clover but move on to things like the red hot pokers when we have to cut the grass. I am amazed at the number of different bees around.
3 Jul, 2011
Scotsgran. Yes, there are many bees and I think they each have a different 'job'.
With regards to the path, I have put my camera onto charge and will try to post a picture later. I'm finding it quite therapeutic laying the blocks along the edge. Hubby says it's looking good, but I think that's only so I don't ask him to do it! He is busy though anyway.
3 Jul, 2011
get it level!!!!
3 Jul, 2011
If it isn't level it may be a tripping hazard for the unwary. Always best to have paths level. But if you are doing it all yourself do be careful about how you lift the slabs - you only have one back! its a good idea to lay them as level as you can and then wait a couple of weeks as they will probably settle unevenly and need levelling up again.
3 Jul, 2011
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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Aitchw so what pleases you should be fine. Do remember to be able to cut over the pavers they must be below the level of the grass. Personally i think it might look better if they were all at the same level but it is your choice. Have a look around neighbours and see how their edging has been laid. That might help you to decide on what you can live with.
2 Jul, 2011