By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
I have two Sambucus nigra, which are both showing some green growth. My instinct is to cut out the green leaves (this might also help the plant to grow upwards instead of spreading out), but would that be the right procedure?

2 Jul, 2011
If they are new plants and are planted in too much shade, the new growth might come out green.
2 Jul, 2011
Yup, that's why I'm asking the question...
2 Jul, 2011
Oops! Sorry, Bamboo!
2 Jul, 2011
Thank you both. Yes, Bamboo, in one plant (top pic) the green leaves are growing at the top of a dark-leaved branch. They are both in a new gravel bed (the two sourced from different nurseries), planted in March/April this year, in a sunny position.
Do you think it will be OK if I just cut out the green shoots?
2 Jul, 2011
We've had plenty of sun recently, so that can't be why they're green; I'd be inclined to remove them, but there's no guarantee it won't just carry on producing green shoots.
3 Jul, 2011
Thanks for your advice, Bamboo.
3 Jul, 2011
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If the green leaves all occur on one branch, with no dark leaves present on that stem or branch, and coming from the base of the plant, cut them out at the base, they are off the rootstock and reversions. From the pictures, the one at the top, it looks as if the green leaves are growing at the top of a dark leaved branch though - is that the case?
2 Jul, 2011