By Vickyb8
United Kingdom
my mixed leaf salad had grown lovly yellow flowers which have turned into what they look like pea pods what are these?
5 Jul, 2011
By Vickyb8
United Kingdom
my mixed leaf salad had grown lovly yellow flowers which have turned into what they look like pea pods what are these?
It is likely that the plant that these seed pods belong to is rocket, it tends to bolt straight to flower in warm dry weather ( i guess hence the name).
I think you can eat the flowers and the seed pods which I am told have strong peppery taste, but I would be minded , as rocket grows very quickly and easily from seed, to leave the plant to go yellow and harvest the seeds and sow them for more rocket plants.
Just make sure that you water the plants well or you will end up with more flowers and seeds and successionaly sow to keep a good supply.
5 Jul, 2011