By J79m80
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
Please can you help me. I have three tomatoe plants growing in a growbag in a small greenhouse On the bottle of tomarite it says feed 20mm of tomarite to 4'5 litres of water twice a week. Is this enough to keep them healthy
5 Jul, 2011
Thank you I am just using what it says on the bottle. Last year all the tomatoes turned black on the bottom and I had to through them away.I don`t know whether it was because I give them too much water or too much Tomorite.
5 Jul, 2011
The tomatoes turning black on the bottom sounds like blossom end rot, which I thought was due to letting them dry out too much. Some types may be more prone than others - I had that problem a lot with Roma VF but no problems at all with Gardeners Delight or Tigerella which have all had the same occasionally inconsistent watering!
5 Jul, 2011
Sometimes in containers or grow bags, blossom end rot is a calcium deficiency, which can be cured with gypsum or lime.
6 Jul, 2011
thankyou for your help
7 Jul, 2011
Liquid feeds like Tomorite are really concentrated. You need hardly any to feed your plants. If in doubt, use more dilute, not stronger.
5 Jul, 2011