By Ernie1514
United Kingdom
Hello can anyone tell me what this is growing on my lawn?

5 Jul, 2011
The grass blades have a blue tint to them. The blades are also very thick. I know what moss looks like but is there variations of moss? To me its not moss but i could be wrong.
5 Jul, 2011
I dont tihnk there is any moss at all ? Looks like you have over treated an area of grass to me? Have you applied anything this year?
5 Jul, 2011
just weed and feed like i do every year.
5 Jul, 2011
I have a very similar look to my does my neighbour...and the huge school field behind our house. I will follow this with interest!
5 Jul, 2011
Ah well I should never comment on Qs about grass as we don't have any...
5 Jul, 2011
Could it be fusarium patch?
5 Jul, 2011
It almost looks like bermudagrass, our best lawn and worst weed, here in the desert--but I would be shocked to find it in the UK!! Maybe a weedy form of bentgrass?
6 Jul, 2011
Ive just googled bermudagrass. It does look like bermudagrass but how,what,where and when?
6 Jul, 2011
Just looks like weed grass mixed in with lawn grass to me - did you notice it last year as well? Can't suddenly just have appeared... although to be fair, I can't really see it properly, need a close up.
6 Jul, 2011
its been around for 2 to 3 years now. it just appeared then grew and grew.
6 Jul, 2011
You may have to spot spray with RoundUp, or the like, and replant those spots.
6 Jul, 2011
Bamboo if you press control and + or control and - on your key board this picture goes bigger or smaller - thats how I could see it was not moss.
6 Jul, 2011
Very difficult to tell from your pics but i guess you have weed grasses growing in your lawn. It also looks like you have a either alot of thatch present and maybe a fungal disease called red thread. A good rake through will reduce thatch. Cutting in different directions can help with coarse weed grasses but best measure unfortunatley is to take out and reseed or returf. A good lawn fetiliser should clear up red thread. Another option is to get lawn treatment company to take a look for you. Most do a free quote and lawn analysis report.
6 Jul, 2011
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Looks like moss to me. You'll need to scarify the grass if it is.
5 Jul, 2011