By Diane123
United Kingdom
I have a large back garden with corner ares requiring nice colourful bushes - any suggestions? area possibly about 6ft x 4ft - shaded with overhanging rowan tree
5 Jul, 2011
There are some very pretty new deutzias and the variegated weigelas can brighten up a corner. But the choice is endless.
5 Jul, 2011
Hibiscus or philadelphus (mock orange) 'belle etoile' such a sweet fragrance, i saw one or rather smelled one at sandringham house, 6x6ft and atleast a 30 yard sniff radius, simply wonderful.... ive purchased one this year so excited ;-)
5 Jul, 2011
There are many to choose from, varieties of Spirea, Weigela, Buddleia, Viburnum and Dipelta are some that may suit you depending on your conditions?
5 Jul, 2011