pruning tecomaria capensis
By Bishop1
United States
now that the cold conditions have killed the foliage is it time to prune ,if so how hard can they be cut back.
On plant
Tecomaria capensis
7 Jan, 2009
From: Witwatersrand National Botanical Garden
To keep this shrub clean and tidy, it must be pruned back in late winter to promote new growth and flowers. The application of a balanced fertilizer after pruning will enhance the growth and flowering
8 Jan, 2009
I wouldn't call it 'late winter' yet, would you? Better to be safe than sorry. Leave it until YOUR 'late winter'.
8 Jan, 2009
Not knowing much about this plant, I don't know if it flowers on new or old growth. You do need to check this out before pruning because doing it at the wrong time will affect flowering.
I never prune anything with a frost on it or if one is likely.With this plant coming from a warmer country, that could be even more important to think about.
Sorry I can't be of more help.
8 Jan, 2009