By Marsham
United Kingdom
My neighbour, planted a russian vine on his trellis last yr, it is horrible, & I fear I'm going to be infested with it in the very near future. I have some lovely flowering phyladelphus on my side as well as other nice red robin,jasmine,roses ,etc, WHAT CAN I DO? We are both in council sheltered bungalow,the council have asked him to keep it trimmed off my side, but they will not ask him to remove it.I have put info through his door explaining how invasive it is. but I cant get through to him.
On plant
6 Jul, 2011
The problem with this sort of thing is that the more you complain the more they dig their heels in and won't do anything about it.
6 Jul, 2011
I have some russian vine at the back of my garden I have tried to cut it down and put some stump killer onto it and hope it will kill it off in the end, it is very invasive cheers and welcome to GOY
6 Jul, 2011
This is not called 'mile a minute' plant for nothing unfortunately there is no law that I know of that says he cannot grow this in his garden. You are allowed to cut off any that is over your boundary as long as you return it to him, if you keep doing this he might get the message! you can try killing off any roots that appear on your side, damage them and paint with stump killer and cover.
6 Jul, 2011
Many thanks everyone for all your messages, its still growing !!!
31 Jul, 2011
I feel for you, its a nightmare!
31 Jul, 2011
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Neighbours eh, I dont know the law about invasive planting but, i know of a site that might be of help to you.. Just Google, Gardening Law.. Click on the Forum link and there's a wealth of information there, You dont have to join to see the questions and answers, Good luck..
6 Jul, 2011