By Bigdan
United Kingdom
3 trees in my garden have died or are dying this year. An apple tree (cooking) has been esyablished for 30+ years and attempted to blossom in mid April. However the blossom died and there has not been any leaf development. A tulip tree (liriodendron tulipifera) appeared to bud a produce leaf from April but the bark began to peel away fro the base of the tree and it had shed all leaf by mid June. A cherry tree blossomed well in spring and developed fruit but leafs have now turned yellow and is now shedding all leafs. Your comments will be greatly appreciated.
6 Jul, 2011
Previous question
« Its been raining and still is for now 24hrs . How is everyones weather?
The cherry maybe reacting to drought - they're surface rooting trees, so get very stressed if there's been a long period of drought, such as we had in April and, in the south, continuing throughout May. The Liriodendron sounds as if it had a problem at the base of the tree, maybe something like Foot and Butt rot, or damage (strimmer or something) which has allowed something to enter and kill the tree. This is just a guess, without further evidence, can't be sure. As for the apple tree, without further symptom description can't be sure what's happened to it. The only other thing to think about is whether there's any possibility of honey fungus in the garden - did you notice a collection of honey coloured toadstools last year in September anywhere nearby? Do you have old tree stumps or other dead wood in the garden?
6 Jul, 2011