United Kingdom
I have 5 Hydrangeas in my back garden,3 pompom and 2 lace,all planted 7 years ago.Over the last 3 years the 2 lace hydrangeas haven't flowered.I have tested the soil and it's more acid than alkaline and have been feeding them with Ericacious feed.
Can anyone help please?
6 Jul, 2011
Thanks for that Bamboo,i have only dead headed and lightly pruned in spring.They are nowhere near trees and the funny thing is i have 2 lace ones in my front garden that are flowering well?
12 Jul, 2011
Hmm, that is odd then - quite often, if they're in a dryish spot in the garden (near trees or large shrubs usually) or too close to a wall where its dry, then they refuse to flower. They don't really need ericaceous feed though, that's reserved usually for blue hydrangeas in fairly alkaline conditions. If dryness isn't the problem, I can only suggest a top dressing of sulphate of potash around them in early Spring, just before, or as, growth begins.
12 Jul, 2011
Two questions - have you ever pruned them and if so,when, and if you haven't pruned, are they close to trees?
6 Jul, 2011