By Redflowerbed
United Kingdom
Is it safe to eat green beans where slug pellets have been used please? (the blue type)
Thank you
7 Jul, 2011
Hello, Its safe to eat green bean according to your post as I know. Want to appreciate each users related with such a community. Really like to discuss also assemble all about growing plants. Hope I definitely will gain knowledge of hence lots of details related to gardens with you all. I love farming fruit and without a doubt I am completely found of taking fresh fruit, virtually no doubt. Hope we all have a blast smiles.
8 Jul, 2011
Just to add that if I didn't use slug pellets in my garden I wouldn't have any beans, period. Also have to use them on the courgette patch in abudance. Like you I was a bit worried and tried my usual beer traps. But the slugs and snails just like the beans and courgettes too much.
8 Jul, 2011
Get some slug copper tape cut the top and bottom off some old plastic juice bottles tape the copper tape around the middle and place them around the base of the plants this works a treat and is environmentally friendly
8 Jul, 2011
You say they are "the blue type" but there are 2 types that I know of and they are both blue. It would be best to use the "organic" type made of ferric phosphate as these are claimed not to be poisonous and safer for use around children, pets and wildlife. The other more dangerous kind use metaldehyde. You will need to read the back of the pack to find out what you've got. It's safe to eat the beans though, after using either kind of slug pellet.
8 Jul, 2011
If you have simply used the pellets around the plant then YES you an eat the beans.
7 Jul, 2011