is now a good time to prune wisteria
By Deb_wallis
United Kingdom
last year my wisteria didnt flower at all,i think im doing things right but im so scared when it comes to pruning it. any advice will be great
10 Jan, 2009
Yes, you may l find my reminders for caring for wisteria useful, they are at:
although the reference that Wagger has given contains much fuller information. Great minds and all that, Wagger!
10 Jan, 2009
Leave until March, pruning now will leave the flower buds open to frost.
10 Jan, 2009
Absolutely, Xela.
10 Jan, 2009
Just a personal preference but I disagree with you on this one DB, I find pruning in late Jan, early Feb makes the remaining buds stronger and better flowering as wasted energy is not being put into buds that are ultimately being cut off.
Once the remaining buds have matured you can always fleece at night when a March frost is forecast.
10 Jan, 2009
One question Deb has it flowered before?
I ask because some don't flower for the fist 3 or 4 years and seed grown it can be up to 10 years
11 Jan, 2009
my wisteria is about 4 years old now i had it before we did the garden. it has flowered before, but when we did the garden i moved it, could this be why? ive been giving it lots of t.l.c.
11 Jan, 2009
They do like a sunny wall (at least five hours a day April to October), did you change the direction it was facing or the soil it was in (they like neutral to slightly acidic)
Excessive nitrogen will also postpone or limit the blooming cycle.
As with many other plants, stressing can help with blooming.
Wisterias have many roots close to the surface, so if this year is again a disappointment try disturbing the surface roots by raking the area vigorously with a rake in the Autumn.
Another way is to root-prune them by driving a spade into the soil around the plant about 2 foot from the trunk.
Some Wisteria also tend to bloom better every other year
11 Jan, 2009
Hello, I prune mine just after flowering and then give them a really good prune in late august, early sept. I have nine (!!) of flowering age all different, but I have a very small garden so I keep them well within bounds - it does seem to work. Its only the bonsai ones that don't do as well. And I dont know why!
1 May, 2009
Previous question
« im not sure if they do any good or indeed damage to the soil
There's a very comprehensive guide to wisteria pruning at:
10 Jan, 2009