By Michi
United Kingdom
Hello, I have a problem with two clematis. I have a garden arch and on one side I have a climbing rose and a clematis, both have flowered this year. On the other side I have a small pink flowered climer and two clematis. None othese have flowered this year although there is stacks of folliage, in fact they are rampant. I have fed them and watered them very well but not even a bud. this half of the arch is under a very large weeping birch, do you think this could be the problem? Please help and advise if you can, thankyou
10 Jul, 2011
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Are the Clematis early or late flowering types, or do you know the variety? Shade can stop some Clematis from flowering, also the root competition from the tree will hamper them. What is the 'pink flowered' climber?
10 Jul, 2011