By Wagger
United Kingdom
Does anybody know which Aconitum this is?

10 Jul, 2011
I suppose you could call it pink but it has a greyish/creamish tinge to me - not a clear pink at all. The picture is pretty accurate for colour.
I can't see one called Pink Beauty but have seen one called Aconitum 'Pink Sensation' and another called Aconitum napellus vulgare Rubellum and can't make up my mind. Pink Sensation says it needs sun/part shade and Rubellum says part shade/shade. I've had it in part shade for several years and not a flower to be seen. I then stuck one in full sun and this is the result so I'm leaning towards the 'Pink Sensation'
10 Jul, 2011
Have a look at my picture page wagger and compare it to my 'Gletshereis', they are on page 2.
This is a pink/greeny/creamy/white - don't know how else to describe. More buds are open now - if need be I can take another picture. Let me know.
10 Jul, 2011
meant pink sensation :o)
11 Jul, 2011
I think you've solved it, Scottish - thanks lots. I think this was originally supposed to be the straight Napellus but it was so long ago and this is the first time it's flowered.
Know what you mean, Seaburn ;-)
11 Jul, 2011
You're welcome Wagger...This plant was billed as white on the label....I must ask about it next time I am at the nursery. Just in case it was wrongly labelled. I bought 5 of them and so far they all look the same, but 2 have yet to open their buds. I bought at Binny Plants, which if memory serves me right was listed in the RHS as the 'sender' to them and awared AGM in 2008. Just googled and my memory was correct. I will get back to you Wagger. Don't know when I will next be up there so it could be a couple of weeks. Angie
11 Jul, 2011
The plant's going nowhere, Angie. lol
11 Jul, 2011
I am sorry, but I am taken with Wagger! He is adorable. I want one. What kind of a dog is he? The plant is lovely too.
14 Jan, 2016
I'm Wagger and Lulu is very upset you think she's a boy! She's a Miniature Schnauzer (nobody knows what happened with her ears, lol)
25 Feb, 2016
is it pale pink? there is one called pink beauty, i lost mine before it had chance to flourish.
10 Jul, 2011