By Janeytom
What are some good instant/cheap plants to help cheer up a border? We are living in a rented house (in France) so don't want to invest too much money in a garden we will be leaving. It already has a few roses but needs something in between.
Thank you
11 Jul, 2011
thanks so much
11 Jul, 2011
What about osteospernum or gazanias? They put on a great show in the sun? Provided you keep deadheading, they will flower for a long time.
11 Jul, 2011
I buy cheap plants from supermarkets. Don't the hypermarche's in France have offers? Perhaps not right this minute, but in the better seasons for planting.
In spring you could throw seeds of annuals like nasturtium, cosmos, cornflower, godetia around and let them grow where they fall. In autumn you could plant winter flowering pansies (OK they don't flower in the depths of winter, but they do in autumn & spring), spring flowering bulbs.
11 Jul, 2011