By Hank
United Kingdom
I've been growing tomatoes for 3 years very successfully, but today a perfectly healthy outdoor Roma plant - over 2 feet high, drooped, wilted and died !
It had nothing wrong with it at all and had been treated with loving kindness as all the others and it just gave upn!
I wonder why ? The roots were fine.
13 Jul, 2011
The toms in my "greenhouse" (conservatory) are doing very well. I'd just like to know why the Roma tomato outside died while the others that are put there are perfectly o.k.
13 Jul, 2011
Not a clue... sorry!
13 Jul, 2011
I think I've just found out how to thank people !
So thanks to moon grower ?, and other "repliers"
( I don't think that word exists ? )
18 Jul, 2011
You are welcome Hank :-) Didn't actually help you on this though!
18 Jul, 2011
Our tomatoes are not at all happy this year. We're getting such low temperatures at night and then, in the greenhouse with the door wide open, if goes up to 30˚C during the day. We've almost decided to give up on them for this year...
13 Jul, 2011