By Raleighste5
United Kingdom
I am growing on my poinsettia i got last christmas and its all green leaves how do they go red?
13 Jul, 2011
This is not an answer, but congratulations on keeping it going! April is my record.
14 Jul, 2011
If I remember correctly poinsettia need a certain amount of time in total darkness. I cannot remember exactly how long. Other GoYers will be able to tell you how long and when it should be placed in darkness.
14 Jul, 2011
They usually need 14 unbroken hours of complete darkness every night, for around 9 weeks--depending on the exact variety. When they have had enough darkness, the new leaves at the tips become a little narrower and denser, and develop a reddish tint. It then takes around 3-5 weeks for the full blown display to develop. Since the different varieties are hardly ever labelled, I usually settle for a show anytime from December 15th to Valentine's day! : )
15 Jul, 2011
Hi there, I'm no expert, but I think the plant nurseries force them under lamps for 14 hours a day, or something like that, I'm not sure it's do-able at home, no dout the plant brainiacs will be able to advise you.
Happy gardening.
14 Jul, 2011