Could someone please tell me the name of this plant.
By Gee19
Kent, United Kingdom
The plant in the photo is about 10-12 years old, is quite slow growing and retains its nice shape without pruning. It tolerates heavy clay soil and cold frosts (this is rather a frosty picture). The leaves are variegated, yellow and green.
(I'm afraid I am going to be asking a number of similar questions soon, before I can list the plants on my homepage!)
- 16 Jan, 2009
Hard to see the leaves properly without being a little bit closer. Could it be an Euonymous
17 Jan, 2009
Eleagnus possibly, Gee. Like E. 'Limelight' or E. pungens 'Maculata'. Could you post a photo of the leaves a bit closer, please?
From this distance, it even resembles my spineless holly - Ilex altaclerensis 'Lawsoniana', but the frost is hiding the variegation.
17 Jan, 2009
I'm terrible with shrub names Gee. Whatever it is, its very nice.
17 Jan, 2009