By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Saw this tree in garden today....
...anyone any idea what it is? The foliage lightened the further along the branches to the tips. The photograph does not do it incredible citrine yellow towards the ends!

17 Jul, 2011
Done! One day I'll learn to slow down!
17 Jul, 2011
Looks like Ulmus carpinifolia 'Wredei' to me:) Well don't worry - bit of practice and you'll be an expert dealing with pictures, lol
17 Jul, 2011
Thank you, Kasy! It is a beautiful tree in a neighbouring garden..owner didn't know either!
18 Jul, 2011
glad I could help. It's very rare tree - and with this disease still going around - not many people want to plant it...
25 Jul, 2011
Ooops! Sorry...forgot to rotate image!
17 Jul, 2011