By Faeriewishes
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
I have just bought a wild cherry tree, could someone let me know if i need to buy another for it to fruit or can wild cherry self fruit?
18 Jul, 2011
Thank you, im not sure what type it is. The lady i bought it from uses the fruit in jams from the parent tree. Will the blossoms still be a beautiful as other cherry blossoms?
18 Jul, 2011
Google Prunus padus - the blossoms are quite different from ornamental flowering cherries, being white and sticking up like candles. Attractive though.
18 Jul, 2011
Prunus padus is used in jam, Canadian friends of our brought some over. As Bamboo says it will not look like the ornamental cherries when it flowers.
18 Jul, 2011
If you mean Prunus padus when you say wild cherry, it should produce fruit all by itself - but it isn't very pleasant to eat. Its common name is Bird Cherry, because they're usually left on the tree for the birds rather than being picked and eaten.
18 Jul, 2011