why don't celosia grow?
By Rolfkjo
Nong Khai - Sang Khom,
I have put some seeds in a pot, they come up with the first leaf but it look like they dont come up with the second etc leafe. What can be wrong or is it normale for some plants to use so long time before the second leafe come? they have stay like this for 6 days now..
please help me
On plant

20 Jan, 2009
Hi Rolf. I wouldn't worry too much after 6 days. I have some seedlings that have come through and then haven't grown any more in weeks. Just don't panic and start over-watering or anything. Growing plants needs patience, Gilli is right.
20 Jan, 2009
:o) I guess I want them to come to fast :oD, some will not be anymore becouse the dry out on the top so it is only the stem left :o(. I just have to wait and see what happend... Thanks Gilli and John
20 Jan, 2009
Yes he did, M, they are Celosia spicata. The name is under 'asked on 20th July'.
20 Jan, 2009
No Marguerite
it is the cold season here we live in north east sourounded of mounten about 450 meters over the sea level, and it should grow the wether is like we have in europe in summertime. it is "celosia spicata flamingo feather" (you see the name of the flower on the top lol) I didnt get in more pictures then this one, I guess it will come after a while I just have to wait I guess...
It is number of daylight who is the biggest problem, here it is only 12 hours daylight and should be (for many flowers) at least 14 - 15 hours daylight, so I use 3 hours extra light when it get dark.
20 Jan, 2009
sawadee crap sabadee mail
Tell us what are this seeds
20 Jan, 2009
Mon Dieu Alexandre. Qu'est que c'est 'What are these seeds?' Ce sont Celosia spicata.
Et qu'est que c'est 'sawadee crap sabadee mail'? Ce n'est pas l'Anglais ou la Francaise. Moins que le mot 'crap.' Ca c'est 'merde'.
20 Jan, 2009
Alors 'sawadee krap sabadee mail' cela veut dire bonjour comment ca va en Thail il n'y a pas que l'anglais et le Francais évidemment c'est un forum en Anglais mais cela est une petite parenthése du fait que j'ai vécu 2 ans en Thailande merci John à oui ce n'est pas crap mais krap
20 Jan, 2009
Ah. Ce n'est pas 'merde' c'est 'kerde'. Oui. Ca va. (Rire)
20 Jan, 2009
c'est plutôt marrant
20 Jan, 2009
I know about 5 words of French and about 5 words of Thai - but still I think I get the gist of what you two are talking about! LOL
I don't know this plant Rolf, but I must say they do look a little pale - maybe it is too few hours of sunlight as you say?
20 Jan, 2009
Same with me Sid :oD so I dont know what they say, yes I think it is the light problem, I give them 3 hours more light now :o) and hope it works.
21 Jan, 2009
Same with me Sid :oD so I dont know what they say, yes I think it is the light problem, I give them 3 hours more light now :o) and hope it works.
21 Jan, 2009
Quelle blague! GOY en francais! J'espere que c'est le fini, Je parle seulement un peu de francais...Je ne sais pas les noms des plantes an francais, je regrette, ainsi, c'est non possible de repondre aux questions!
21 Jan, 2009
In english please
21 Jan, 2009
It's OK Rolf. We are being humorous (French - marrant), or childish, whichever way you look at it. There is nothing offensive there (well not to any individual anyway). Alexandre is French and speaks a little English and I am English and speak very little English (and even less French). But when I saw 'sawadee krap sabadee mail' which is Thai I wondered what was going on. GoY may be based in the UK but we have members from all over the world. Don't worry Spritz. If anybody starts asking technical questions in French we will just refer them to Alexandre. LOL.
21 Jan, 2009
Well done Spritz (never understood a word) for a day there I had a horrible feeling some bright spark was trying to introduce a language lesson to add to all the rest I,ve been learning.LOL. Rolf good luck with your seedlings and thanks for speaking my language..
21 Jan, 2009
Sorry Rolf - blame Alexandre for speaking 'Thai' and also John for encouraging him by lapsing into 'sort of ' french...
I will stop my schoolgirl french at once! It was, as John said, just a bit of fun.
Thanks for the 'well done', Lincslass, though.
21 Jan, 2009
Dont worry Spritzhenry , I just teasing you too, I understand that all of you was having fun..
25 Jan, 2009
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Previous question
Sometimes it does take a while for the second set of leaves to come in Rolf. I have never grown Celosia so I'm not sure what they normally do.
20 Jan, 2009