Rolfkjo's Profile

About me
Im a man from Norway who want to spend the rest of my life to help some people who need a better life. Im living now in north east of Thailand in a smaal village name Dong Tong, this village is very poor, some even dont have wals on their houses and they income is only 25 euro per month. 50% of the children in this school is without parents, some parents is dead, some have left their children for good and some try to make a income in Bangkok etc and left their children with their grandmothers.
Luckely I find Marys Friends (Marys Venner) in Norway who want to help me with suporting this children with food (they get only one meal per day in the school, rest for the meals is rice when they are at home), clothes, school books and some have suport from a nice family in Norway who give their suported kid what they need for living. But it is mush more to help!
To help people is not easy, som grandparents dont want their grand children to have a higher education becouse they want them to help in their rice garden who dont give any income at all. To explane for the Grandmothers that if their grandchildren will have more income isnt so easy, they all reply that it isnt nesserly to learn anything when their children have to work in the rice garden (for only 3.75 Euro per day)
Those children who have their mother at home is alot easier to explane the nessesrly for this children to have education, thats why I have start my "Mommy Home" project to offer mothers who is in Bangkok to come home and have a job in the project to give them a income better then in Bangkok. Most of the mothers want that. I hope I can colects so much money to give this parents this offer. Marys Friends doesnt suport this kind of projects becouse they suport only children.
Some girls get a "nice" offer like to "work in a hotell, bar, massage intetute etc" in Bangkok, the real thing is that they have to offer their body to all kind of men on the street, some get Aids, som "lukkey" one get pregnant and come home with a baby, some get illegal abortsen who is very denguras for their life.
I cant save the world I know that, but can I help One person Im glad and can die happy :), I have now save 2 girls from this bad life in the street "work" and hope with help from people to save some more..
Hope you want to read about this kind of life in this LOVELY website..
LOVE from Rolf