Well which one do you buy? (hope I am allowed to ask this?)or do you not bother.
By Dottydaisy2
United Kingdom
I would like to buy a gardening magazine perhaps on a regular basis,can anyone recommend a suitable read, that is not too expensive, there are so many out there, it can be rather confusing.
20 Jan, 2009
I am an avid reder of Gardeners' World. I have a subscription as my local newsagent does not stock it. I get guaranteed delivery and usually it arrives before it's on sale in the shops! February edition arrived yesterday - I love it and ready every page. I've picked up some great tips and information from reading it. I never throw them away as they're great to keep for reference. There are also some great plant offers and freebies! Next months' edition has free seeds! My gardening hero is Alan Titchmarsh and he writes a 'comedy' page....I call it a comedy page as it always makes me smile to read it. It's £3.50 monthy but you will save 25% with having a subscription - look on the website for subscriber offers too, you get a discount card to use at gardening centres etc. I got a free fleece jacket with my 1st subscription - I wear it every day....looking a bit tatty now though, wonder if they'll send me another one? Mmmm.
21 Jan, 2009
I cant get by without my Garden news, it's packed full of good gardening advice and worht every penny,
i find the glossies to full of adverts,
21 Jan, 2009
I'm with Greenfingers, Gardeners World Mag, in my opinon you really can't beat it, i have tried a few others, when not been able to get a copy, but just don't compair. i don't have a subsription, although i think i will do this soon, but my newsagent knows i will always be in on the day of realise and saves me one. As GF has said great freebes and special offers, really interesting read. - and i never throw mine away either - i have a great big stack of them in my cupbord.
21 Jan, 2009
i get two on a weekly basis. Gardening News and Amateur Gardening. Amateur Gardening gives free seeds with the mag starting in Febuary
21 Jan, 2009
I saw a brief mention somewhere of a quarterly magazine called, I think, Hortecus. Smiths have never heard of it so maybe it has to be ordered specially. Has anyone else read it?
21 Jan, 2009
Join the Royal Horticultural Society and you get a great monthly magazine for 'free'. You're also supporting a horticultural charity. Membership provides free entry for two people to the various RHS gardens around the country.
I've tried other magazines over time and found they become very repetitive after the first year. Obviously the same is true to some extent for the RHS mag . . . . Spring bulb articles come out in February and March but there is always 'such informative variety throughout' that I think it's worth it.
Horticus is very useful for the professional, semi-pro and what I'd call the 'expeditionary' plant collector. THE most informative articles but if you're not interested in the particular subject under review they can be very 'dry'. I tried it for one year and did not renew.
21 Jan, 2009
I get Amateur Gardening, the RHS magazine, Gardening Which and sometimes I buy Garden Answers, too! That's what retirement does for you - more time!
Gardening Which has NO adverts in, it's on subscription only, but it's always interesting and you can send for a myriad of different fact sheets, too.
21 Jan, 2009
For a moment there i thought you said, "prescription only"
21 Jan, 2009
lol FF wouldnt it be great if we could get our gardening magazines on prescription
21 Jan, 2009
I agree with Irish - I'd get them free, then!
21 Jan, 2009
Go to your local library and browse through the magazines they stock then you can see which ones you prefer. They have back copies of Gardening Which in binders so you don't need to pay the subs!
21 Jan, 2009
I was sent a complimentary copy of Hortus but found it hard going and there were no pictures (which I think are essential in any gardening magazine). I shall not be taking out a subscription on it
21 Jan, 2009
Amateur Gardener and Gardening News are my fix.......
21 Jan, 2009
Thanks to everyone for all your replies, Volunteer I will do that always forget about the library, Spritz how do you get all those mags past your hubby? or do you hide them?
Andrew if you found Hortus hard going then I certainly would....
I rather like the idea of free seeds though.Irish.
I am also a great fan of Alan T well he is a bit of a ladies man is he not, but not too keen on all the adverts.
21 Jan, 2009
No, I get Amateur Gardening delivered, and belong to the RHS so get their magazine through the post. We subcribe to Which anyway, so we added the Gardening Which to that.
Being so rural, we are 10 miles from a Library that would have the bound copies. I do find their phone service useful, too, on occasion.
My 'naughty' is Garden Answers. It finds its way into the shopping trolley when it comes out. I used to get it as an occasional treat, but now I 'find' it every month! ;-)
AG gets passed around the village - it really does get read by possibly 4 or 5 different people!! I get the seeds, though, although I do pass on seedlings as well...there are always too many just for me.
22 Jan, 2009
Well DD, I like Garden Wise and Gardens West but as they are both Canadian I don't think it will help you much....LOL.
21 Jan, 2009