By Patsyabfab
United Kingdom
why has my 3 year old rhodedendrum only got 2 blooms
20 Jul, 2011
I'm wondering why its got any at all at this time of year, its a bit late.
20 Jul, 2011
Ah, all is revealed - I see you've posted a similar question, Patsy, only this time saying hydrangea, lol!
20 Jul, 2011
One of mine got the new bud growth blackened in a late severe frost and only produced one flower. Could that have happened to yours?
20 Jul, 2011
Seems like a funny time for Rhodos to flower. I have one that seems to produce a few in Autumn, and I have an evergreen azalea that I maltreated in spring that has a few flowers on, but I regard that as an act of desperation.
20 Jul, 2011
Hmm, been wondering for a while whether people read other responses before adding their own - and here's the proof they don't, lol;-)))
22 Jul, 2011
I DID read that you guessed the question was actually about hydrangeas, but chose to answer the question as asked - after all Patsy may have TWO poorly flowering shrubs. Alternatively, which question refers to the right plant - perhaps it's actually a Philadelphus?
22 Jul, 2011
No, she reposted the same query but substituted hydrangea for rhododendron - and it was asked from the hydrangea page, so I'd guess she saw my response, thought oh, I wonder what plant it is then, maybe its a... and went to that page and then reposted the query. Makes sense to me, but I could be completely wrong about the sequence of events!
22 Jul, 2011
It's quite possible, but as I came along later, none of that was apparent...... so I answered the question asked, though not to any great effect, now I reread the answer. :-?
22 Jul, 2011
22 Jul, 2011
Rhododendrons can take years to flower, particularly if it is a species Rhodo., which one do you have?
20 Jul, 2011