Can I move a Victoria plumb tree?
By Jwilcock
United Kingdom
If I can move the tree when can I do it also it is a young tree only a couple of years old & has only been in its current position for 6 months.
21 Jan, 2009
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Also, don't forget to stake it and water it for a year as if it was in a pot. Put lots of compost in the hole and mix into the soil.
21 Jan, 2009
I have moved my Victoria plumb tree many times first time it was about 4years old ,then next time after a wonderful crop . It then lived there for 1 year . It struggled to live but had 3 plumbs on it . Now iv have moved it once again to my new home its now starting to bud
I keep it watered and fed it once with a little grow more lol I'm thinking of mapping where the roots are in case I move again lol good luck with your move
1 Apr, 2009
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Yes, and it is a good time to move it as long as your soil isn't frozen. Prepare the new planting hole and then dig out as much of the rootball as you can, putting the tree on a tarpaulin or sack so that you can move it easily to its new home. Water it in well, and give it a feed of blood, fish and bone in the early spring. You could give the tree a mini-prune before you move it to give the roots more chance to settle.
21 Jan, 2009