By Bodger99
Stanmore, Middlesex,
United Kingdom
Any pelargonium lovers out there - any idea why my pelargonium looks so yellow? Could it possibly be that it's got to do with it getting too wet with all this rain?

24 Jul, 2011
Looks like it needs a decent feed to me, something general purpose to get some nitrogen into it. This particular form of Pelargonium does not appreciate full sun, likes a bit of shade, so half and half is about right. Feed with something like Miracle Gro general purpose.
24 Jul, 2011
Many thanks for the suggestins. As it happens, I've got some Miracle Gro, so I'll try that.
24 Jul, 2011
I grow mine in John Innes No 2 (or use a loamless compost) in full light but shade from hot sun and they have good all round ventilation. I water sparingly about twice a week during the growing season and feed with a high-potash feed every week.
Hope this helps?
24 Jul, 2011