By Judylb
Channel Islands ,
Can you eat the orange coloured fruit of the passion flower that is growing over the gateway to our communial garden ? I'm concerned some of the children will try them.
24 Jul, 2011
That calms me down thank you Bamboo, at least I know it will be ok if one of the kids tries one.
24 Jul, 2011
Judy, I would encourage you to teach your children not to eat anything from the garden without checking first. More plants/fruits/seeds are poisonous that most of us realise. Causing anything from a mild stomach upset to death.
25 Jul, 2011
I believe that passiflora species are poisonous when the fruits are immature. The active poison is cyanide, which is contained in the fruit shell. For this reason the shell should never be eaten, and the same applies to immature fruits too.
25 Jul, 2011
Found the correct page now!
It's at the link below - skip down to the section on "Toxicity"................
25 Jul, 2011
Hi Guys, thanks for your answers, they aren't my children I'm concerned about, its children passing by our communial garden who might just decide to help themselves. However, I do speak to all the young children who care to listen, that it's not a good idea to eat any of the things in the garden, as it could make them really poorly. Thank you though.
25 Jul, 2011
They're not toxic, are edible, but not terribly nice, bit insipid.
24 Jul, 2011