By Julier
United Kingdom
Hi Everyone
I bought a scented geranium earlier this summer and its grown very large with wonderful foliage - but not one flower. Is it likely to flower now?
24 Jul, 2011
Many, though not all, scented-leaf geraniums have a flowering habit like Regal Geraniums--they need a couple months of chilly (<10ยบ C) weather to form buds.
24 Jul, 2011
But the flowers are very small and not worth worrying about. Did you know you can put the leaves in the base of the tin when you make a sponge cake, for a delicate flavouring?
25 Jul, 2011
Scented geraniums sometimes don't have much in the way of flowers, but it's unusual for them not to flower at all, Julier. It sounds as though there are too many lush leaves, so perhaps you've been feeding it too much. Geraniums (pelargoniums) can exist in quite a poor, but well-drained soil. Or perhaps it's pot bound and needs to be put into a bigger pot, with grit and compost mixed. Tip it gently out of its pot and see if the roots are very congested. Don't give it any other feed for a while, and keep it fairly dry. Good luck with it. Annie (Cumbria)
24 Jul, 2011