soil and lawn
By Williamj
i am digging up my garden shortly and i was wondering what could i add to the soil before i start seeding it as the soil may not be great also what could i do to kill any weeds william.
26 Jan, 2009
The biggest mistake most people make with laying a lawn is to provide insufficient soil depth. We've all seen yellow, even white lawns in high summer because the builders left new households with just 4 inches of topsoil. A good lawn is based upon a compost that's 18 inches deep at least. This provides an ample reservoir of water and nutrients for this hungry, fast growing plant to thrive on.
27 Jan, 2009
Dig the whole area through with a spade, making a trench as you go, digging out any weeds. Rake stones into the trenches. Leave till the end of February, top dress with a fine layer of compost. Rake over. Tread the ground down firmly, rake over. Give it a fortnight to see if any weeds come through. Rake again, sow seeds.
26 Jan, 2009