when to move a canary leaf palm
By Andre
United Kingdom
i want to move an established canary leaf palm tree when will be the best time
26 Jan, 2009
These have a tap root that can be particularly hard work to transplant. Do be sure to tie up those leaves before you begin otherwise you could lose an eye. I also hope yours is not too big or that you have hydraulic help! Good luck!
27 Jan, 2009
I repotted one a few years ago and it had a fleshy root system that went round and round the pot, so it could have gone down quite a way. I'd dig round it and see if it goes down too far to dig out and survive. I'd also leave it til the weather warms up in spring. If you do succeed with moving it make sure you keep it well watered for the first year whilst it puts down new roots.
27 Jan, 2009
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Now is probably the best time to move plants so long as the ground is not frozen. Get as much of the roots up as possible and give it a good watering once planted.
26 Jan, 2009