By Oldcrock
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi to you all, when compost has been used to grow plants in a pot can the compost be used again or should it be disposed of
27 Jul, 2011
I read in a magazine that tested reusing compost and adding some slow release fertiliser in their tests actually resulted in larger plants ( photo to prove it) I think it was in 'garden answers' or 'which' ( I was at the dentist!!)
27 Jul, 2011
Thank you Olibway93 & Pamg for your replies cheers
27 Jul, 2011
I also throw mine on the garden as there is nothing nutrient wise left in it.
27 Jul, 2011
if i'm planting annuals in large pots for the summer I usually just remove the roots and add new compost suitably fed-- certainly saves money-- the old grobags go on the garden
27 Jul, 2011
You're not supposed to use it in containers again. The usual advice is to put it on the garden, but I've reused the same compost in the same containers as I'm a lazy whatnot.
I give it check for vine weevil grubs and snail / slug eggs and if there aren't any I add slow release fertilizer granules and water retaining gel and add the new plants.
It means you don't have to disturb pelargoniums and fuchsias that were in the container the previous year quite so much.
It seems to work for me.
27 Jul, 2011
Thank you Beattie,Pamg,&Drc726 for your comments cheers
27 Jul, 2011
Hi everyone thanks for the replies sorry it as took me so long to get back to you cheers
11 Aug, 2011
Provided there is nothing nasty in it, like slugs or snail eggs, I just empty mine on to the garden. If the plants that were in it were healthy, I see no harm in that?
27 Jul, 2011