By Genegenie
United Kingdom
For three years I have had a feijoa growing well in a large tub. It has not flowered and I would like to plant it into the garden. When is the best time to transplant it and which is the best position?
30 Jul, 2011
It is one of the hardiest of the subtropical fruit, but it would definitely be a risk in the garden anywhere but the mildest parts of the British Isles.
31 Jul, 2011
Milky has one growing outdoors in Kent which flowered this year.
Send her a PM and I'm sure that she would tell you how hers is sited etc.
A local nurseryman grows one in a relatively small pot under glass which flowers nicely. What do you feed it?
31 Jul, 2011
I've found that heavy pruning in fall and early spring will reduce or prevent flowering.
1 Aug, 2011
Looked up F. Sewolliana in Wiki. Seems it is a sub tropical plant so it may not be a good idea to grow out in the garden. 4 alternatives...keep as it is....throw....give away....plant out. Have a look and decide
30 Jul, 2011