By Burtont455
United Kingdom
Can anyone help with the name of this weed? It grows quite tall with bamboo type stalks which if cut leaks a milky rubbery type substance. The pods also explode in the sun! They are popping up all over my garden! I cant remember them having flowers just green pod things! How do I get rid of them? Thanks for your help!

1 Aug, 2011
Could it be something like a Himalayan Balsam has I see already been suggested?
whoops sorry didnt see your post Spritz.
1 Aug, 2011
Now we have a pic, I can tell you that it's Euphorbia lathyris, caper spurge. Be very happy that it's not Himalyan balsam.
Thanks for letting me know we had the question again, with a pic, Spritz. It's not E.peplus - that's quite small in comparison.
1 Aug, 2011
Well - I got the Euphorbia bit right, and the warning about the sap still stands!
1 Aug, 2011
I'm pretty sure it's Euphorbia peplus - 'Petty Spurge' which is an annual. Be careful you don't get the sap on your skin, and especially not in your eyes. It can be very painful.
Getting rid of it would be best done with a contact weedkiller.
1 Aug, 2011