By Damow
Cheshire, United Kingdom
Does anyone have any useful ideas about using garden spoil? After having a patio relayed using the existing flags, I have been left with a large amount of mostly clay garden soil heaped up in the garden. Being keen on re-using stuff wherever possible, I wondered if there was something, other than bulking out raised beds, that I could do with it. Something different, quirky even.
It's only about a ton in weight so not that much really but it just seems a waste to take it to the tip. Any thoughts?
- 1 Aug, 2011
Thanks for that T....been reading up on rammed earth since you suggested it and the impression I'm getting is that my stuff has too much clay content to be considered appropriate. Methinks something to do with shrinkage and swelling resulting in cracking? Interesting idea though. Maybe if I mix it with something else?
3 Aug, 2011
As a more serious answer, you might advertise it for sale--or for free. Someone in the neighborhood probably needs fill dirt, or even a base for soil for their own raised beds. It sounds like it will need conditioning to support a garden well, though.
4 Aug, 2011
Fill dirt, that's a fair description T. However, I seem to be the only serious gardener round here so I'll probably condition it myself and use it in the bottom of some planned raised beds after all. Not totally discounting the rammed earth idea yet though. Thanks again Arizona.
5 Aug, 2011
You're welcome!
5 Aug, 2011
Rammed earth sculpture? ; }
3 Aug, 2011