Caring for bonsai (Ficus Microcarpa) especially watering
By Teun
United Kingdom
my 12 yr old son bought a ficus microcarpa with his own money but did not get any care / watering advice. Could anybody help?
1 Feb, 2009
A grateful teen says thanks!
3 Feb, 2009
the ficus will not need as much water as some varieties but they still require lots. I was taught by a bonsai expert to let the water run through (drain) 3 times, which means that the roots have enough chance to absorb enough as the pots are too small to retain much water. The submerging method is usually used for struggling plants. The ficus loves to be misted and loves humidity!
27 Aug, 2009
If you stick your finger in the soil and it feels dry then you it needs watering. To water you should submerge the pot in water for about 10 minutes and then let as much water drain out as possible.
Make sure you give the tree as much lights as possible and trim the new growth to keep it in shape.
This may be a useful site for you:
1 Feb, 2009