growing jacaranda from seed
By Vibeke
I visited Maderia last week and brought back some seeds from the jacaanda tree.
Do I just put them in a pot with soil that i normally use for cultivating seeds, or do the seeds need to have to have a resting period? Do they need much water or do they need to dry out?
On plant
Jacaranda mimosifolia
1 Feb, 2009
I bought some seed back from Spain last year, but didn't even get them to germinate. I live in Cornwall, so was just hoping.
26 Feb, 2009
Last year I just planted seeds shallowly in av potting compost,ended up with quite high germination%.Now have a 2ft,and20cm(approx) plant.Also gave another to next door.Dont give up
Will be putting small one on ebay very soon,if interested.Lynn
12 Jul, 2009
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I've grown them before and they make very attractive but tender small trees; don't expect them to flower in the UK.
I set several at a time in seed compost in a propagator or warm place at 25C or so, just covering the seed with compost. When they have a couple of seed leaves, transplant them into pots.
1 Feb, 2009