By Purcell
United Kingdom
Our impatiens plants are very poor this year as if they have a disease. Have used slug pellets and sprayed with insecticide without any effect. They have been regularly watered, but the flowers are going quickly.
2 Aug, 2011
I have about 5/6 pouches 4 hanging baskets with them in and with mixed results so far the pouches seem to be doing well my fuchsias are doing really well which would suggest weather
3 Aug, 2011
Mine died too, normally I get a good show, bought mine from BnQ as I do every year but this yr within a few weeks they all died, must be a dodgy batch I guess, I've never had this problem with them before, all my neighbours had same problem, very odd.
3 Aug, 2011
Mine started off badly and I thought they were going off as they did last year, but hurray, they have picked up again, except for one that looks very miserable. B & Q aren't to blame for this problem.
3 Aug, 2011
I never said BnQ were to blame, obviously as so many people have had the same problems up and down the country and have bought from various places the issue is more likely with the nursery's, they obviously had a bad crop this yr for whatever reason. I miss having them in my garden though they offer so much colour this is my first yr without any. I have bought seeds for next yr so I can be 100% sure to have some Just in case. :)
4 Aug, 2011
The ones I grew from seed didnt do well this year. I thought it was because I grew them in the wrong compost or something. Weird that everyone elses are doing poorly too.
4 Aug, 2011
Sharnie, Sorry, I thought you meant the dodgy batch was down to B&Q. Anyway, not to worry, it clearly wasn't. :)
6 Aug, 2011
Join the club Purcell! Have a look through the questions over the last few weeks, they've been doing poorly and dying off unexpectedly for almost everyone.
The suggested reasons are weather, virus & fungal infections, but there's no definite answer that I'm aware of.
2 Aug, 2011