By Jackie59
United Kingdom
how do i get rid of goosegrass if i use a weedkiller will it also kill my other plants and flowers
Asked from the GoYpedia
grasses page
3 Aug, 2011
So would I, Jackie, because if you use a weedkiller, it will indeed kill other plants that it touches or drifts onto.
Don't let it seed itself if you can help it.
3 Aug, 2011
Totally agree with the above, just keep pulling out using a weedkiller will kill all the plants it lands on. It is very easy to pull out and can even go in the compost if it isn't seeding
3 Aug, 2011
Wear long sleeves when you pull it out, I discovered last week! I believe it is an annual but self seeds very freely so its best to pull it out before the little burrs form. I burned mine to be on the safe side as I had a good fire going anyway. ( I roasted potatoes in foil for tea in the heap of hot ash when it finally died down - best I've had since we used to roast them on an open fire when I was little.
3 Aug, 2011
I have this, too, everywhere, but given that it grows through everything, I find the best way to keep on top of it is to keep pulling it out. The good news is that it comes out easily in 'ropes' of weed. Just keep pulling it out, I would say.
3 Aug, 2011